Friday 28 December 2012

Roll Up! Roll Up! Sponsors n' Guest Posters wanted

It will soon be the New Year and I'm looking for people to sponsor my blog for January.

If you're interested, then please go to the 'sponsor / pr tab' tab above and click away!

I'm also happy to accept Guest Posts, so if it's something you'd like to do, then email me for details.

Here's to a peaceful and happy 2013!

Wednesday 19 December 2012

Handmade Christmas

Over the last month or so I have been busy making Christmas presents.

Crocheted cowls are definitely the theme this year!

Buttoned... a shorter version of this
... and using the same pattern as the blue cowl (alternating SC and DC) I crocheted a cushion cover (above).


Every year I try to make some of my Christmas cards and this year I used a photograph I took back in February
Using PicMonkey I faded the edges, spun him around and gave it a more frosted look
All set now to get writing the cards and wrapping the gifts *opens a bottle of wine and puts on a Christmas CD*

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Saturday 15 December 2012

Hands up!

Today I crocheted these fingerless gloves
I love this wool! I saw a lady buying it at my local wool shop and I just had to buy it too!
I have tried to make these before, but they came out way too large. This time I started out with a smaller chain, knowing that the wool would stretch.

They were simply made up by crocheting in the round - 1st row SC, then DC for 13 rows - leaving a chained gap for the thumb.
Simple, quick and effective. Plus each glove is unique thanks to the make up of the wool.
Plus they're ideal for cold days watching football

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Saturday 1 December 2012

It's beginning to look a lot like...

This week I started decorating the house, starting with the artificial tree. I used a set of LED lights around the trunk and another set around the tree - you can get a tan from it!
Hanging the tree decorations brought back lots of happy memories.

The first tree decoration I ever bought for my tree...
The ornament my husband used to propose to me Christmas 2009
My favourite tree decoration from my childhood, which I now have thanks to Mom!
Christmas in New York (I love New York)...
Of course I happily displayed my own creations too...

Rustic Candy Cane Decoration (tutorial here)
Felt Christmas Heart (tutorial here)
In the Dining Room I have a small fibre optic Christmas tree. The base is far from attractive, so with some left over wool I have given it a quick makeover. Double crochet stitches in the round and some ribbon did the trick.
All that's needed now is some snow!

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Friday 16 November 2012

The Heart of Christmas

Here's some quick Christmas decorations that can also be made for use all year round (minus the snowflake!)
I don't sew much, so this was quite a challenge.

I started by marking out a heart shape on the felt using a self made template. I like that the template was hand drawn, as it's unique.
I then embroidered a snowflake onto the centre of one of the hearts. I busked this, though you could use a tissue template for guidance.

I wasn't very happy with the embroidery on the red heart, so I covered my 'mistake' with a button!
Using blanket stitch (I just 'Googled' how to do it!) I joined the hearts together, packing with soft toy filling as I went along. 
The final pieces are now ready for the Christmas tree...
I think the burgundy one is my favourite, despite the button cover up!


Last week a friend asked me to crochet her an iPhone case (she used the word "commission" - how posh!?)

Well I had a 'Google' and eventually looked on Ravelry for some inspiration and here's the final piece...
My friend loves purple and it really didn't take much wool to make. A large glossy button finished it off.
I used this pattern to start off with and then busked the top bit where the loop is. I used 4.5mm hook and chunky wool - keeping the stitches tight. 

It came together very quickly.
This idea could be used for so many modern gadgets even a cushion cover!

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Sunday 11 November 2012

Hit the road, Jack...

After a short hosptial stay, I needed some time to recuperate and a change of scenery.

So we decided to go to Cornwall on a short road trip
We headed to the Newquay area in our rented motorhome, affectionately referred to as 'The Beast'
Our temporary home
Over three days we visited Watergate Bay
Falmouth .... the 'harbour view' as we ate freshly caught mussels
Our rainbow view from our motorhome the following morning
Then to Praa Sands, home to our friends Cayte & Drew (aka Pisky Cove HQ)
Our morning cuppa view
We loved our motorhome and hopefully, God willing, we'll do the same again sometime next year!

Curtain Ring Ding A Ling

Curtain rings, not much use when you have eyelet curtains!

I have bags of them around the house begging to be used for something...
A bit of wool, some SC and DC crochet stitches and Bob's your uncle...
Quick Christmas Tree decorations
and very little fuss
Inspired by Whiskers and Wool - head over to Doni's blog and have a look!

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Sunday 21 October 2012

Simon the Cowl

This great cowl pattern can be found right here and it was made with just one of these...
... an 8mm hook and a couple of buttons I salvaged from an old pair of boots!

'Simon' can be worn in many ways...
The buttons can be fastened anywhere...
Head over to Jennifer's blog to get the pattern and get cozy this winter!

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