Wednesday 4 April 2012

Baby steps

It's not just the garden that's blooming! Quite a few ladies around me are expecting soon, so a chance to have a go at a crochet must - Baby Booties n Shoes. Have seen loads of free patterns online, but I have been put off by all the stages. I wanted something that just needed some simple stitching together and was pleased to find a cute pattern at Bernat for Crochet Booties.

I used a simple white DK wool and a 4.5mm hook
I'm not quite sure they have turned out how the pattern intended, but as a first attempt I am quite happy with the outcome...
With some odd bits of wool I crocheted the booties without the ankle strap and produced a pump-style shoe...
And a tiny version ...
The original pattern for the booties can be found here

(you'll need to sign up as a free member to view the free patterns)

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